January 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Jan 1 14:14:41 PST 2016
Ending: Sun Jan 31 21:04:43 PST 2016
Messages: 252
- [chirp_users] Support for BTECH, Juentai & Luiton radios
Pavel Milanes (CO7WT)
- [chirp_users] Baofeng uv-66
Pavel Milanes (CO7WT)
- [chirp_users] Support for BTECH, Juentai & Luiton radios
Pavel Milanes (CO7WT)
- [chirp_users] Support for BTECH, Juentai & Luiton radios
Pavel Milanes (CO7WT)
- [chirp_users] Linux serial devices cheat sheet (was: Linux usb port in Ubuntu and Mint)
Pavel Milanes (CO7WT)
- [chirp_users] inexpensive Dual Band Mobile radios?
Pavel Milanes (CO7WT)
- [chirp_users] Boefeng UV-5R V2+
adinserter .
- [chirp_users] Baofeng UV-5R won't program
adinserter .
- [chirp_users] Is the ID-880H data protocol documented somewhere?
John Babrick
- [chirp_users] Is the ID-880H data protocol documented somewhere?
John Babrick
- [chirp_users] Is the ID-880H data protocol documented somewhere?
John Babrick
- [chirp_users] test
John Babrick
- [chirp_users] Baofeng GT-3 Mark-II
John Benson
- [chirp_users] Baofeng GT-3 Mark-II
John Benson
- [chirp_users] Baofeng GT-3 Mark-II
John Benson
- [chirp_users] Baofeng GT-3 Mark-II
John Benson
- [chirp_users] Data changes from "Upload" to "Download"
- [chirp_users] Chirp and Icom IC-7200
- [chirp_users] Chirp and Icom IC-7200
- [chirp_users] Chirp and Icom IC-7200
- [chirp_users] Chirp and Icom IC-7200
- [chirp_users] Chirp and Icom IC-7200
- [chirp_users] Chirp and Icom IC-7200
- [chirp_users] Chirp and Icom IC-7200
- [chirp_users] inexpensive Dual Band Mobile radios?
Tim Billingsley
- [chirp_users] inexpensive Dual Band Mobile radios?
Tim Billingsley
- [chirp_users] TYT TH-UVF8D ???
Todd Bloomingdale
- [chirp_users] Is this official site?
Todd Bloomingdale
- [chirp_users] First time programming questions
Todd Bloomingdale
- [chirp_users] test
Danny Buck
- [chirp_users] IC-92AD not downloading all memories.
Wenlock Burton
- [chirp_users] Where are the Chirp driver files in Ubuntu
Wenlock Burton
- [chirp_users] Where are the Chirp driver files in Ubuntu
Wenlock Burton
- [chirp_users] Thanks Guys
Wenlock Burton
- [chirp_users] IC-92AD driver script
Wenlock Burton
- [chirp_users] IC-92AD - Reading memories
Wenlock Burton
- [chirp_users] 92AD Reading memories
Wenlock Burton
- [chirp_users] IC-92AD issues
Wenlock Burton
- [chirp_users] Baofeng GT-3 Mark-II
David Buss
- [chirp_users] Anyone with Baofeng BF-UVB2 Plus?
David Buss
- [chirp_users] Baofeng uv-66
David Buss
- [chirp_users] First time programming questions
David Buss
- [chirp_users] First time programming questions
Robert Campbell
- [chirp_users] First time programming questions
Robert Campbell
- [chirp_users] Icom IC-T81A, Icom IC V80 and Icom IC V8
Robert Campbell
- [chirp_users] Wrong version being reported under Ubuntu
David Chatterton
- [chirp_users] chirp_users Digest, Vol 85, Issue 16, messages 6 & 7
David Chatterton
- [chirp_users] Wrong version number being reported - fixed
David Chatterton
- [chirp_users] Power Setting for Frequencies and Bluetooth connection
Walt Childson
- [chirp_users] Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
Glen Christensen
- [chirp_users] Yaesu FT-2900r Driver willnot load?
Al Cohan
- [chirp_users] Icom ID-880H
Ryan Collier
- [chirp_users] inexpensive Dual Band Mobile radios?
Tony Cratz
- [chirp_users] Receive noise while moving
Jardy Dawson
- [chirp_users] Icom ID-5100
Jardy Dawson
- [chirp_users] Baofeng uv-66
Randy Elliott
- [chirp_users] Baofeng uv-66
Randy Elliott
- [chirp_users] Baofeng uv-66
Randy Elliott
- [chirp_users] Baofeng uv-66
Randy Elliott
- [chirp_users] Baofeng uv-66
Randy Elliott
- [chirp_users] Baofeng uv-66
Randy Elliott
- [chirp_users] Support for BTECH, Juentai & Luiton radios
Randy Elliott
- [chirp_users] - character no supporting in Name field anymore?
Nick Ellson
- [chirp_users] - character no supporting in Name field anymore?
Nick Ellson
- [chirp_users] - character no supporting in Name field anymore?
Nick Ellson
- [chirp_users] - character no supporting in Name field anymore?
Nick Ellson
- [chirp_users] - character no supporting in Name field anymore?
Nick Ellson
- [chirp_users] Icom ID-880H
David Etheridge
- [chirp_users] Icom ID-880H
David Etheridge
- [chirp_users] Icom ID-880H
David Etheridge
- [chirp_users] Error importing to VV-898
Marc Fuller
- [chirp_users] Error importing to VV-898
Marc Fuller
- [chirp_users] Error importing to VV-898
Marc Fuller
- [chirp_users] inexpensive Dual Band Mobile radios?
Marc Fuller
- [chirp_users] FT7900r programmer
Jon GrosJean
- [chirp_users] modification to G4TIC programming interface for FT7900
Jon GrosJean
- [chirp_users] schematics
Jon GrosJean
- [chirp_users] schematics
Jon GrosJean
- [chirp_users] How to set CIV address for Icom Radios
David Hagood
- [chirp_users] Icom IC706Mk2G
Dave Hartman
- [chirp_users] Receive noise while moving
Tom Hayward
- [chirp_users] Wrong version being reported under Ubuntu
Tom Hayward
- [chirp_users] IN how mode add icom radio to CHIRP list ?
Tom Hayward
- [chirp_users] Baofeng UV5R Radio Did not Respond error
Alan Hill
- [chirp_users] Cable adapter baofeng to icom ic-2730 ?
- [chirp_users] how connect Icom IC-2730 to CHIRP ?
- [chirp_users] cable for kenwood th-f7
- [chirp_users] IN how mode add icom radio to CHIRP list ?
- [chirp_users] R: chirp_users Digest, Vol 85, Issue 22
- [chirp_users] Chirp and Icom IC-7200
Marco IZ3GME
- [chirp_users] Chirp and Icom IC-7200
Marco Filippi IZ3GME
- [chirp_users] Chirp and Icom IC-7200
Marco Filippi IZ3GME
- [chirp_users] Boefeng UV-5R V2+
- [chirp_users] Programming Baofeng UVr5
- [chirp_users] Wouxun KG-UV3D CHIRP support and a question on the memory chip replacement
- [chirp_users] Support for BTECH, Juentai & Luiton radios
John B. Leonard Jr
- [chirp_users] TYT TH-UVF8D ???
Paul K.
- [chirp_users] Chinese Mobile Dual-Band Radios
- [chirp_users] Receive noise while moving
- [chirp_users] Receive noise while moving
- [chirp_users] Wrong version being reported under Ubuntu
- [chirp_users] inexpensive Dual Band Mobile radios?
- [chirp_users] inexpensive Dual Band Mobile radios?
- [chirp_users] schematics
- [chirp_users] Receive noise while moving
- [chirp_users] R: Re: Anyone with Baofeng BF-UVB2 Plus?
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] Support for BTECH, Juentai & Luiton radios
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] Support for BTECH, Juentai & Luiton radios
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] Support for BTECH, Juentai & Luiton radios
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] inexpensive Dual Band Mobile radios?
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] inexpensive Dual Band Mobile radios?
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] Baofeng GT-3 Mark-II
Richard Lewis
- [chirp_users] Baofeng GT-3 Mark-II
Richard Lewis
- [chirp_users] inexpensive Dual Band Mobile radios?
Jim MacKenzie
- [chirp_users] Chirp and Icom IC-7200
IZ3GME Marco
- [chirp_users] Pofun UVTEN-4
Jose Martinez
- [chirp_users] Pofun UVTEN-4
Jose Martinez
- [chirp_users] Pofun UVTEN-4
Jose Martinez
- [chirp_users] Icom ID-5100
Gary P. Merschdorf
- [chirp_users] Ubuntu PPA version not up to date?
W Paul Mills
- [chirp_users] Ubuntu PPA version not up to date?
W Paul Mills
- [chirp_users] Ubuntu PPA version not up to date?
W Paul Mills
- [chirp_users] Ubuntu PPA version not up to date?
W Paul Mills
- [chirp_users] Where are the Chirp driver files in Ubuntu
W Paul Mills
- [chirp_users] Data changes from "Upload" to "Download"
W Paul Mills
- [chirp_users] - character no supporting in Name field anymore?
Tim Miranda
- [chirp_users] Wouxun KG-UV3D CHIRP support and a question on the memory chip replacement
Robert Morningstar
- [chirp_users] Thanks to Jim KC9HI
Robert Morningstar
- [chirp_users] Baofeng UV5R Radio Did not Respond error
Michael Mullett
- [chirp_users] Baofeng UV5R Radio Did not Respond error
Michael Mullett
- [chirp_users] new Baofeng radio & th-f6a -- linux issues
Rodney D. Myers
- [chirp_users] new Baofeng radio & th-f6a -- linux issues
Rodney D. Myers
- [chirp_users] new Baofeng radio & th-f6a -- linux issues
Rodney D. Myers
- [chirp_users] new Baofeng radio & th-f6a -- linux issues
Rodney D. Myers
- [chirp_users] new Baofeng radio & th-f6a -- linux issues
Rodney D. Myers
- [chirp_users] new Baofeng radio & th-f6a -- linux issues
Rodney D. Myers
- [chirp_users] new Baofeng radio & th-f6a -- linux issues
Rodney D. Myers
- [chirp_users] new Baofeng radio & th-f6a -- linux issues
Rodney D. Myers
- [chirp_users] Where are the Chirp driver files in Ubuntu
Rodney D. Myers
- [chirp_users] Support for BTECH, Juentai & Luiton radios
Tom Consodine ND5Y
- [chirp_users] Receive noise while moving
Tom Consodine ND5Y
- [chirp_users] removal confirmation notice for mailing list chirp_users
Andy Neal
- [chirp_users] Icom ID-5100
Bob Nielsen
- [chirp_users] inexpensive Dual Band Mobile radios?
Bob Nielsen
- [chirp_users] Support for BTECH, Juentai & Luiton radios
Urban Operator
- [chirp_users] Support for BTECH, Juentai & Luiton radios
Urban Operator
- [chirp_users] Support for BTECH, Juentai & Luiton radios
Urban Operator
- [chirp_users] Icom ID-880H
Urban Operator
- [chirp_users] Icom ID-880H
AJ Pulley
- [chirp_users] Icom ID-880H
AJ Pulley
- [chirp_users] Is the ID-880H data protocol documented somewhere?
David Ranch
- [chirp_users] Data changes from "Upload" to "Download"
Rick, KE0HCN
- [chirp_users] Data changes from "Upload" to "Download"
Rick, KE0HCN
- [chirp_users] Yaesu FT-991
Jay Rowe
- [chirp_users] Clone cable
Gary Runningbear
- [chirp_users] Clone cable
Gary Runningbear
- [chirp_users] END OF THREAD: Receive noise while moving
Dan Smith
- [chirp_users] Baofeng UV-5R won't program
Angelo Sonnesso
- [chirp_users] Radio Shack HTX-242
Angelo Sonnesso
- [chirp_users] Radio Shack HTX-242
Angelo Sonnesso
- [chirp_users] Linux serial devices cheat sheet (was: Linux usb port in Ubuntu and Mint)
Jon Spriggs
- [chirp_users] Wouxun KG-UV950P?
Roger Stenning
- [chirp_users] New Daily Build
Build System
- [chirp_users] New Daily Build
Build System
- [chirp_users] New Daily Build
Build System
- [chirp_users] schematics
Robert Terzi
- [chirp_users] Radio Shack HTX-242
William Thompson
- [chirp_users] new Baofeng radio & th-f6a -- linux issues
Galen Thurber
- [chirp_users] Ubuntu PPA version not up to date?
Derek Tombrello
- [chirp_users] Ubuntu PPA version not up to date?
Derek Tombrello
- [chirp_users] Ubuntu PPA version not up to date?
Derek Tombrello
- [chirp_users] Ubuntu PPA version not up to date?
Derek Tombrello
- [chirp_users] Ubuntu PPA version not up to date?
Derek Tombrello
- [chirp_users] Chirp and Icom IC-7200
Ryan Tourge
- [chirp_users] Radio Shack HTX-242
Ryan Tourge
- [chirp_users] Icom ID-880H
Ryan Tourge
- [chirp_users] Linux usb port in Ubuntu and Mint
Ryan Tourge
- [chirp_users] Clone cable
Ryan Tourge
- [chirp_users] Baofeng GT-3 Mark-II
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] - character no supporting in Name field anymore?
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] - character no supporting in Name field anymore?
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] - character no supporting in Name field anymore?
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] - character no supporting in Name field anymore?
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Anyone with Baofeng BF-UVB2 Plus?
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Boefeng UV-5R V2+
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Programming Baofeng UVr5
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Baofeng UV5R Radio Did not Respond error
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] new Baofeng radio & th-f6a -- linux issues
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] new Baofeng radio & th-f6a -- linux issues
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Wouxun KG-UV3D CHIRP support and a question on the memory chip replacement
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Baofeng UV-5R won't program
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Wrong version being reported under Ubuntu
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Baofeng uv-66
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Baofeng uv-66
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Baofeng uv-66
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Baofeng uv-66
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Error importing to VV-898
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] First time programming questions
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Data changes from "Upload" to "Download"
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Data changes from "Upload" to "Download"
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Data changes from "Upload" to "Download"
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Data changes from "Upload" to "Download"
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] inexpensive Dual Band Mobile radios?
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Pofun UVTEN-4
John W.
- [chirp_users] Boefeng UV-5R V2+
Matt Wachala
- [chirp_users] Radio Shack HTX-242
- [chirp_users] Support for BTECH, Juentai & Luiton radios
David Wilson
- [chirp_users] Boefeng UV-5R V2+
Roger Woods
- [chirp_users] Yaesu FT-2900r Driver willnot load?
John Wuest
- [chirp_users] Is this official site?
Pedja YT9TP
- [chirp_users] Icom ID-880H
Drew from Zhrodague
- [chirp_users] Baofeng UV5R Radio Did not Respond error
Amnon Zohar
- [chirp_users] Yaesu FT-2900r Driver willnot load?
Amnon Zohar
- [chirp_users] Baofeng UV-5R won't program
Amnon Zohar
- [chirp_users] Data changes from "Upload" to "Download"
Amnon Zohar
- [chirp_users] cable for kenwood th-f7
Amnon Zohar
- [chirp_users] Data changes from "Upload" to "Download"
Amnon Zohar
- [chirp_users] Data changes from "Upload" to "Download"
Amnon Zohar
- [chirp_users] Clone cable
Amnon Zohar
- [chirp_users] Clone cable
Amnon Zohar
- [chirp_users] cable for kenwood th-f7
Amnon Zohar
- [chirp_users] Clone cable
Amnon Zohar
- [chirp_users] cable for kenwood th-f7
Amnon Zohar
- [chirp_users] test
sparks4151 at aol.com
- [chirp_users] Icom IC-T7H interface
sparks4151 at aol.com
- [chirp_users] cable for kenwood th-f7
sparks4151 at aol.com
- [chirp_users] Baofeng UV-5R won't program
dave boswell
- [chirp_users] Baofeng UV-5R won't program
lofty don
- [chirp_users] Baofeng UV-5R won't program
lofty don
- [chirp_users] Baofeng UV-5R won't program
lofty don
- [chirp_users] Programming Baofeng UVr5
dmdfacp at gmail.com
- [chirp_users] test
dmdfacp at gmail.com
- [chirp_users] inexpensive Dual Band Mobile radios?
dmdfacp at gmail.com
- [chirp_users] inexpensive Dual Band Mobile radios?
dmdfacp at gmail.com
- [chirp_users] Help with Importing
michael haynes
- [chirp_users] Help with Importing
michael haynes
- [chirp_users] Linux usb port in Ubuntu and Mint
- [chirp_users] Radio Shack HTX-242
- [chirp_users] cable for kenwood th-f7
- [chirp_users] R: chirp_users Digest, Vol 85, Issue 22
- [chirp_users] Anyone with Baofeng BF-UVB2 Plus?
Darkman900 at libero.it
- [chirp_users] R: Re: Anyone with Baofeng BF-UVB2 Plus?
Darkman900 at libero.it
- [chirp_users] Programming Baofeng UVr5
- [chirp_users] Inexpensive Dual Band Radios
rdhutch at pacbell.net
- [chirp_users] Support for BTECH, Juentai & Luiton radios
raymond reese
- [chirp_users] Chirp and Icom IC-7200
Joseph scanlan
- [chirp_users] How to set CIV address for Icom Radios
Joseph scanlan
- [chirp_users] Support for BTECH, Juentai & Luiton radios
John LaMartina ☀
- [chirp_users] Baofeng UV-5R won't program
John LaMartina ☀
- [chirp_users] Baofeng uv-66
John LaMartina ☀
- [chirp_users] Baofeng uv-66
John LaMartina ☀
- [chirp_users] inexpensive Dual Band Mobile radios?
John LaMartina ☀
Last message date:
Sun Jan 31 21:04:43 PST 2016
Archived on: Fri Feb 9 07:46:27 PST 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).