[chirp_users] new Baofeng radio & th-f6a -- linux issues
Rodney D. Myers
Thu Jan 14 04:28:30 PST 2016
Debian jessie
2 added python packages
attached is the log file
I've downloaded the archives of the mail list and searched those
phrases with no luck
I believe I followed the instructions on the web page
TH-F6a -- Start chirp;
port: ttyUSB0
manuf: Kenwood
radio: auto detect
I get the error message;
'serial' object has no attribute 'setbaud'
UV-5R V2 -- Start chirp;
port: ttyUSB0
manuf: Baofeng
radio: uv5r
I get the error message;
failed to communicate with radio
'serial' object has no attribute 'setTimeOut'
Rodney D. Myers <rod_dmyers at fastmail.fm> - kg6anx
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a
little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin - 1759
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