January 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Jan 2 00:07:33 PST 2015
Ending: Sat Jan 31 22:31:06 PST 2015
Messages: 175
- [chirp_users] Remove please
Steve Bosshard (NU5D)
- [chirp_users] Feidaxin FD-268A
Richard AG5M
- [chirp_users] Yaesu FT-8100?
Eric Allen
- [chirp_users] Looking for TYT TH-UV3R images
Eric Allen
- [chirp_users] frequency to chabnnel
Bill Bates
- [chirp_users] BAOFENG UV82L
Bill Bates
- [chirp_users] Unsubscribe
Todd Bloomingdale
- [chirp_users] unsubscribe
Todd Bloomingdale
- [chirp_users] Icom 2200H / with
Todd Bloomingdale
- [chirp_users] Bug #2155 - Uv-5r not receiving but will transmitt
Todd Bloomingdale
- [chirp_users] UV-5R Says "Radio did not respond"
Bob Boehme
- [chirp_users] Raspberry PI rev level.
Bob Boehme
- [chirp_users] UV82 Not Programming Via FTDI Cable
KD9BQO - James Brantley
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Robert Brennan
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Robert Brennan
- [chirp_users] Remove please
David Callowayjr
- [chirp_users] chirp_users Digest, Vol 73, Issue 12
Anthony Capino
- [chirp_users] chirp_users Digest, Vol 73, Issue 23
Anthony Capino
- [chirp_users] IcomT70 and chirp
Brian Carling
- [chirp_users] Correct radio choice in CHIRP, Baofeng UV-5RTP
Sam Chase
- [chirp_users] Who used CHIRP in linux ubuntu mode ?
D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
- [chirp_users] Remove please
D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
- [chirp_users] Bug #2155 - Uv-5r not receiving but will transmitt
D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
- [chirp_users] CHIRP Supported Radios
D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
- [chirp_users] TYT TH9800
D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
- [chirp_users] Special Mode?
David B. Horvath, CCP
- [chirp_users] Special Mode?
David B. Horvath, CCP
- [chirp_users] Special Mode?
David B. Horvath, CCP
- [chirp_users] Feidaxin FD-268A
Grant Diffey
- [chirp_users] UV-5R Says "Radio did not respond"
Richard Dillman
- [chirp_users] UV-5R Says "Radio did not respond"
Richard Dillman
- [chirp_users] transmit inhibit setting?
Scott Dudley
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Michael D Earls
- [chirp_users] Remove please
Randy Elliott
- [chirp_users] Raspberry PI rev level.
Chuck Hast
- [chirp_users] Support for Icom IC-7100
Tom Hayward
- [chirp_users] Yaesu FT-8100?
Tom Hayward
- [chirp_users] Offsets change when downloading to CHIRP
Tom Hayward
- [chirp_users] Offsets change when downloading to CHIRP
Tom Hayward
- [chirp_users] Importing FRS/GMRS/MURS on Mac
Tom Hayward
- [chirp_users] Remove please
Tom Hayward
- [chirp_users] Importing FRS/GMRS/MURS on Mac
Tom Hayward
- [chirp_users] Unsupported Firmware
Greg Hicks
- [chirp_users] Support for Icom ID-51E Special Edition
Håken Hveem
- [chirp_users] Account signup and FT1D
Marco IZ3GME
- [chirp_users] frequency to chabnnel
- [chirp_users] UV-5R+ says "image not supported by this radio". what does this mean?
- [chirp_users] still having trouble with software/drivers forIcom 2200H
- [chirp_users] Remove please
Forrest Joyner
- [chirp_users] Remove please
Forrest Joyner
- [chirp_users] Icom 2200H / with
- [chirp_users] still having trouble with software/drivers for Icom 2200H
- [chirp_users] still having trouble with software/drivers forIcom 2200H
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
John Kellas
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
John Kellas
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
John Kellas
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
John Kellas
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
John Kellas
- [chirp_users] Yaesu FT-8100?
Brad Kellison
- [chirp_users] Baofeng BF-F8HP
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] frequency to chabnnel
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] add Chanel to the radio
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] transmit inhibit setting?
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] Baofeng BF-F8HP
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] Icom 2200H / with
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] UV-5R+ says "image not supported by this radio". what does this mean?
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] still having trouble with software/drivers for Icom 2200H
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] chirp_users Digest, Vol 73, Issue 23
John LaMartina
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Malcolm Larkin
- [chirp_users] Baofeng BF-F8HP
- [chirp_users] serial port monitor?
Rob Locher
- [chirp_users] unsubscribe
Pasquale Lombardi
- [chirp_users] Memory Bank Settings Upload Issue
Pete Mackie
- [chirp_users] Remove please
Bobby Magee
- [chirp_users] serial port monitor?
Mike Miller
- [chirp_users] IcomT70 and chirp
W Paul Mills
- [chirp_users] Special Mode?
Tom Morris
- [chirp_users] Unsubscribe
John Mortonson
- [chirp_users] Unsubscribe
John Mortonson
- [chirp_users] unsubscribe
Frank Mx
- [chirp_users] Support for Icom IC-7100
Bob Nielsen
- [chirp_users] Having problems daily build 20150130 running on a mac
Ronald Nutter
- [chirp_users] Having problems daily build 20150130 running on a mac
Ronald Nutter
- [chirp_users] Baofeng BF-F8HP
Rick Osgood
- [chirp_users] Baofeng BF-F8HP
Rick Osgood
- [chirp_users] Baofeng BF-F8HP
Rick Osgood
- [chirp_users] Baofeng BF-F8HP
Rick Osgood
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Rick Osgood
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Rick Osgood
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Rick Osgood
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Rick Osgood
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Rick Osgood
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Rick Osgood
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Rick Osgood
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Rick Osgood
- [chirp_users] Error with chirp
Tommy P
- [chirp_users] Error with chirp
Tommy P
- [chirp_users] Error with chirp
Tommy P
- [chirp_users] Account signup and FT1D
Bret Palsson
- [chirp_users] ★ Discussion of CHIRP, Brian Peterson left a message for you
Brian Peterson
- [chirp_users] UV-5R+ says "image not supported by this radio". what does this mean?
John Rice
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
Dennis Smith
- [chirp_users] Offsets change when downloading to CHIRP
Michael Sonnenblick
- [chirp_users] Offsets change when downloading to CHIRP
Michael Sonnenblick
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
Michael Stephan
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Michael Stephan
- [chirp_users] Bug #2155 - Uv-5r not receiving but will transmitt
Lawrence Stewart
- [chirp_users] Bug #2155 - Uv-5r not receiving but will transmitt
Lawrence Stewart
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Bill Stone
- [chirp_users] New Daily Build
Build System
- [chirp_users] New Daily Build
Build System
- [chirp_users] New Daily Build
Build System
- [chirp_users] New Daily Build
Build System
- [chirp_users] New Daily Build
Build System
- [chirp_users] New Daily Build
Build System
- [chirp_users] Bug #2155 - Uv-5r not receiving but will transmitt
Galen Thurber
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
Ryan Tourge
- [chirp_users] Remove please
Ryan Tourge
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] UV-5R Says "Radio did not respond"
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] UV-5R Says "Radio did not respond"
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Unsupported Firmware
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Special Mode?
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Special Mode?
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] frequency to chabnnel
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] BAOFENG UV82L
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Error with chirp
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Error with chirp
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Baofeng BF-F8HP
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Bug #2155 - Uv-5r not receiving but will transmitt
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] UV82 Not Programming Via FTDI Cable
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] UV-5R+ says "image not supported by this radio". what does this mean?
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] still having trouble with software/drivers for Icom 2200H
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] UV-5R+ says "image not supported by this radio". what does this mean?
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] still having trouble with software/drivers forIcom 2200H
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Having problems daily build 20150130 running on a mac
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] Correct radio choice in CHIRP, Baofeng UV-5RTP
Jim Unroe
- [chirp_users] TYT TH9800
Jeremy West
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Al Winney
- [chirp_users] UV-5R Says "Radio did not respond"
Clarence York
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
Clarence York
- [chirp_users] Importing FRS/GMRS/MURS on Mac
Ross Young
- [chirp_users] Importing FRS/GMRS/MURS on Mac
Ross Young
- [chirp_users] transmit inhibit setting?
Tmmccrann at aol.com
- [chirp_users] Will Chirp work with the Baofeng BF-F9 V2
chaplainblack at centurytel.net
- [chirp_users] Baofeng BF-F8HP
bcarling at cfl.rr.com
- [chirp_users] IcomT70 and chirp
bcarling at cfl.rr.com
- [chirp_users] IcomT70 and chirp
bcarling at cfl.rr.com
- [chirp_users] Baofeng cable
edmowles at gmail.com
- [chirp_users] Baofeng BF-F8HP
mats.g.roos at gmail.com
- [chirp_users] Having problems daily build 20150130 running on a mac
mats.g.roos at gmail.com
- [chirp_users] IcomT70 and chirp
tom.wz9u at gmail.com
- [chirp_users] help
y_61 at libero.it
Last message date:
Sat Jan 31 22:31:06 PST 2015
Archived on: Fri Feb 9 07:46:19 PST 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).