[chirp_users] IcomT70 and chirp

W Paul Mills
Sat Jan 24 06:01:01 PST 2015

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On 01/24/2015 01:43 AM, tom.wz9u at gmail.com wrote:
>> Chirp can't read from the radio. All it does is put the radio
>> into
> scan mode.
> I had a similar problem with my Baofeng UV-82.  The solution (for
> me) was to install the drivers that came with my cable -- although
> I certain that the Miklor <http://miklor.com/> drivers recommended
> on this list will work as well (or better).
> Then you need to convince Windows to roll back the drivers (at
> least on my system it would instantly upgrade the driver as soon as
> I plugged in the cable).  With the proper drivers, and Windows
> “help” disabled, all should be well.
> Did you burn yourself on the live antenna connector?  I got a
> singe, and that was my clue that something was amiss.
> Tom WZ9U

This does not apply to FTDI cables. But I would wonder if the cable is
wired correctly for the radio in question.

- -- 
* Amateur Radio Station AC0HY                    *
* W. Paul Mills         SN807                    *
* Assistant EC Alpha-1 ARES Shawnee/Wabunsee, KS *
* President Kaw Valley Amateur Radio Club        *
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