[chirp_users] help

y_61 at libero.it
Tue Jan 27 00:18:25 PST 2015

In how mode work the kewnood TH-6F  7F with Chirp  help me ?


I see on miklor web site that CHIP work well with this kewood th-7F ,

i think that i set-up im menu the  PC setting , its correct ?

Bur now, it work with CHIP with the  driver that i use in my windows xp
for the baofeng or no ?

kenwood handy work with a kenwood drivers or ???

and, is possibile to use the same  "clone" cable i buy at Amazon and i
use in my baofeng uv-5r radio , this cable work on a kenwood ?

thanks to help me, best 73

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