[drats_users] D-Rats V0.2.7

Dennis Rogers
Tue Oct 21 00:03:31 PDT 2008


      First want to Thank You for ALL the fine work done on D-Rats as the
application is coming right
along. I have met with the local emergency organizations here in San
Antonio, Texas. They really
were amazed at the weather information and all passed during the hurricanes
and especially IKE.
They also noted that they use Winlink as well and were impressed by the 213
Form and NTS form,
also in D-Rats. We will be training ALL personnel on the use of D-Rats and
will be using it in the
shelters and other facilities were needed. I see the Mapping System works
much better and shows
up on my APRS Igate.

      Some notes on working with the v0.2.7 today are as follows:

1. Map Scaling does not fit with my long./lat./no altitude shown (this can
be very important in hilly
    country such as Texas).

2. I would like to get rid of "Me" as I use callsigns, and alias names in
emergencies, but can NOT
    remove or delete "Me". Any way of removing it and replacing it with our

3. Also, "Me" does not allow for editing the correct symbol or changing its

3. Entering my own fixed long./lat./Alt. placed me close to the right spot
on the map, but not exactly.
    However, not to worry about this so much as when I Zoom out or in the
map scaling throws off
    exactly where I should be on the map. Any ideas?

4. What is the reason for using POP3/SMTP emailing as part of this program?
Maybe I am missing
    something here as to emergency use. Isn't the chat mode enough?

5. I may have forgotten this one so excuse me if I did. Can you incorporate
"Repeater" into the rest
    of the application and allow it to be turned off/on? I do see the need
for it and we will use it as a
    means to get back to the Gateway from remote users in the field.

6. I have not yet tried the file/image transferring as this for our use will
be from gateway to remotes
    only as I see it. Unless interstate gateways need to send every once in
a while this type of comm.
    I will be looking for mostly status messages during the transferring of
images/files so as to know
    how close to completion, when they started, file/image size, how many
frames/total frames sent.

So far all is working quite nicely and the map is quite a bit faster than
before displaying street-level.


       Dennis, N5VRP
       n5vrp.satx at gmail.com

Dstar User / Gateway Admin / D-PRS Provider
ARRL Member
Cactus-Intertie Member
AMSAT Member, President's Club

73's from SATX, EL09rk
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