<div dir="ltr">Dan,<br><br> First want to Thank You for ALL the fine work done on D-Rats as the application is coming right<br>along. I have met with the local emergency organizations here in San Antonio, Texas. They really<br>
were amazed at the weather information and all passed during the hurricanes and especially IKE.<br>They also noted that they use Winlink as well and were impressed by the 213 Form and NTS form,<br>also in D-Rats. We will be training ALL personnel on the use of D-Rats and will be using it in the<br>
shelters and other facilities were needed. I see the Mapping System works much better and shows<br>up on my APRS Igate.<br><br> Some notes on working with the v0.2.7 today are as follows:<br><br>1. Map Scaling does not fit with my long./lat./no altitude shown (this can be very important in hilly<br>
country such as Texas).<br><br>2. I would like to get rid of "Me" as I use callsigns, and alias names in emergencies, but can NOT<br> remove or delete "Me". Any way of removing it and replacing it with our callsign?<br>
<br>3. Also, "Me" does not allow for editing the correct symbol or changing its name.<br><br>3. Entering my own fixed long./lat./Alt. placed me close to the right spot on the map, but not exactly.<br> However, not to worry about this so much as when I Zoom out or in the map scaling throws off<br>
exactly where I should be on the map. Any ideas?<br><br>4. What is the reason for using POP3/SMTP emailing as part of this program? Maybe I am missing<br> something here as to emergency use. Isn't the chat mode enough?<br>
<br>5. I may have forgotten this one so excuse me if I did. Can you incorporate "Repeater" into the rest<br> of the application and allow it to be turned off/on? I do see the need for it and we will use it as a<br>
means to get back to the Gateway from remote users in the field.<br><br>6. I have not yet tried the file/image transferring as this for our use will be from gateway to remotes<br> only as I see it. Unless interstate gateways need to send every once in a while this type of comm.<br>
I will be looking for mostly status messages during the transferring of images/files so as to know<br> how close to completion, when they started, file/image size, how many frames/total frames sent.<br><br>So far all is working quite nicely and the map is quite a bit faster than before displaying street-level.<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Regards,<br><br> Dennis, N5VRP<br> <a href="mailto:n5vrp.satx@gmail.com">n5vrp.satx@gmail.com</a><br><br>Dstar User / Gateway Admin / D-PRS Provider<br>ARRL Member<br>Cactus-Intertie Member<br>AMSAT Member, President's Club<br>
<br>73's from SATX, EL09rk<br><br>