[drats_users] Linux recommendation for older Laptop.

John E. Malmberg
Sat Jan 4 16:29:30 PST 2014

On 1/4/2014 3:47 PM, Bob Nielsen wrote:
> A problem I ran into with Mint is that there are DVD images but not
> CD  images and I suspect an older laptop would be in the same situation.
> To get around the Ubuntu UI, there are such things as Xubuntu and Lubuntu
> you might consider.

DVD image is not a problem, the DELL has a DVD drive.

I am curious about Xubuntu and Lubuntu, as which would be the better 
supported option.  I will also look at Mint.

I would prefer to install a Linux that is being maintained rather than 
an older Linux with lower memory requirements.

I do not want to use anything that looks like a "METRO" or tablet UI on 
a keyboard/mouse based system.


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