[drats_users] Automatic Sending AND GETTING mails from Winlink CMS through D-Rats?

la7um at nrrl.no
Wed Oct 6 16:56:58 PDT 2010

Hi. Is it possible to retrieve Winlink mail AUTOMATICALLY by a REMOTE
RF-D-rats user who on radio do reach another D-Rats station who happens to
have internet connection?
I mean automatically, not needing that the D-Rats station with the internet
connection do have to MANUALLY forward the receiverd Winlink mail to the
remote R-Rats user.

According to my reading,  (not yet installed anything, running an old Power
Mac) a remote RF-only D-rats station can automatically SEND a Winlink
message through such a gateway.

But somewhere I have read that the owner of the internett connected D-rats
station do have to MANUALLY forward such a message to the remote RF only

Is this restriction still vallid?

Why this question?
I am thinking of setting up an automatic  70cm D-Rats station (if possible)
as part of a local ham group arrangement with internet.
And I am not talking about an ordinary voice Repeater,  that is done very
well by our neighbouring group, but may be running this 70cm D-Star
frequency through a better located IC 2820  (without internet) as a
crossband mini-repeater. If that is possible.
That particular D-Rats station could possibly be set up to ONLY allow mails
TOO and FROM Winlink system.

Any restrictions at the time beeing? If restrictions, is it plans for making
the automatically way possible

Question 2:
The B2F Winlink Compression, is that done already from the Remote client
RF-Only station, or is it done at the gateway site with the internet?

Question 3:
If a remote RF D-rats station is to use AX-25 Kiss, mode, to go through a
RMS PACKET, I do assume that this B2F compression do HAVE to be done at the
Client site. Since the RMS PACKET does not know what kind of station is the
Client. Correct?

73 and thanks in advance from Finn, La7um.
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