Hi. Is it possible to retrieve Winlink mail AUTOMATICALLY by a REMOTE RF-D-rats user who on radio do reach another D-Rats station who happens to have internet connection? <br>I mean automatically, not needing that the D-Rats station with the internet connection do have to MANUALLY forward the receiverd Winlink mail to the remote R-Rats user.<br>
<br>According to my reading, (not yet installed anything, running an old Power Mac) a remote RF-only D-rats station can automatically SEND a Winlink message through such a gateway.<br><br>But somewhere I have read that the owner of the internett connected D-rats station do have to MANUALLY forward such a message to the remote RF only station. <br>
<br>Is this restriction still vallid?<br><br>Why this question?<br>I am thinking of setting up an automatic 70cm D-Rats station (if possible) as part of a local ham group arrangement with internet.<br>And I am not talking about an ordinary voice Repeater, that is done very well by our neighbouring group, but may be running this 70cm D-Star frequency through a better located IC 2820 (without internet) as a crossband mini-repeater. If that is possible.<br>
That particular D-Rats station could possibly be set up to ONLY allow mails TOO and FROM Winlink system. <br><br>Any restrictions at the time beeing? If restrictions, is it plans for making the automatically way possible<br>
<br><br>Question 2:<br>The B2F Winlink Compression, is that done already from the Remote client RF-Only station, or is it done at the gateway site with the internet?<br><br>Question 3: <br>If a remote RF D-rats station is to use AX-25 Kiss, mode, to go through a RMS PACKET, I do assume that this B2F compression do HAVE to be done at the Client site. Since the RMS PACKET does not know what kind of station is the Client. Correct?<br>
<br>73 and thanks in advance from Finn, La7um.<br>