[drats_users] E Mail

Dan Smith
Wed May 20 05:33:57 PDT 2009

> My biggest issue is the fact that I cannot run this "service" as a
> Daemon. It requires me to have a window open on my desktop running
> D-RATS. In terms of service reliability I would rather see a Damonised
> service running as one of the multitude of jobs on my Linux box (or
> Winblow$ if I really, really, really had to).

Yep, I'd like that as well.  Patches gladly accepted :D

> How do the remote D-RATS users know that I can handle their mail?

You tell them and they send email forms through you.  A well-placed ping
reply message might help, or maybe an infrequent QST.

> Why do I have to be the one to collect their POP3 account?

You don't.  If you want to support outbound only, then ignore the POP3
stuff.  The idea is for the gateway machine to have a dedicated email
account for email proxying, not for you to configure their pop
account(s) in your machine.  One email account can service mail for lots
of D-RATS stations

> Why can't we support IMAP too?

Because IMAP is *significantly* more complicated and I don't have a
simple library to use for it (or at least, not that I know of).  See
above about the patches :D

> Who stole my bicycle pump?

Nate did it.

Dan Smith
dsmith#danplanet.com, s/#/@/

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