[drats_users] D-Rats repeater linux auto restart

Dan Smith
Fri Jun 19 13:00:29 PDT 2009

> Ok Dan, The script  using -C did not work out here.

Well, I'm not sure what to say about that.  The ratflector machine
starts the repeater app with -C and no display, so if it didn't
automatically start, there would be no way to start it manually and
thus nobody would be able to connect :)

> The interesting thing is that with the repeater GUI and having been
> disconnected from the ratflector for hours; The off-On again
> function always restores the connection regardless of the 30 second
> period you spoke of(maybe that was just referring to localhost).

Attempting to send something (like a QST) will trigger another
30-second reconnect phase, which is probably why you see that work.

Dan Smith
dsmith#danplanet.com, s/#/@/

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