[drats_users] sending a file

Arnold Harding
Wed Apr 22 17:57:32 PDT 2009

>> Once you clued me in on that, the rest was fairly
>> obvious... although I do have a dislike for features that ONLY have
>> icons and no text in english to tell you what they are.  (But I
>> think you put mouse-overs on the buttons, which is how I figured 
>> out
>> what each button was for.)
I'm sure that being clued in, I can now figure it out.  My biggest 
concern is that after our experience last weekend, we want to be able 
to recommend it.  If we recommend it, but need to have a disclaimer 
that it can't be figured out without help, that wouldn't be the best. 
The program will soon get to the point where many people will use it, 
and they will either ask for help, or get frustrated and abandon it.
I won't complain about improvements.  I do want someone attempting to 
use it in the field to not need an internet connection to understand 
the program.


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