[drats_users] sending a file

Dan Smith
Wed Apr 22 17:00:21 PDT 2009

> Once you clued me in on that, the rest was fairly
> obvious... although I do have a dislike for features that ONLY have
> icons and no text in english to tell you what they are.  (But I
> think you put mouse-overs on the buttons, which is how I figured out
> what each button was for.)

Actually, in earlier alphas, I had the labels below the icons (as in
the messages tab).  I removed it temporarily because it stretched the
station callsign box to be big and ugly.  I want to move back to the
labeled toolbar items when I figure out a better way to orient the
station box.

> Not sure if the GUI widgets you're using can do this, but a common
> thing nowadays seems to be to have a word sitting INSIDE the data
> entry box in a grey font/usually italicized, that says something
> like "callsign" or "address" -- that disappears when you start
> typing information into the field, or press the drop-down button.
> That seems common UI stuff on forms these days, but no clue if the
> GUI widget you're using has a feature to make that easy to do or
> not.

You're just yanking my chain, right?  Since just before b1 (I think),
I've had a nice little "enter remote station" ghost hint thing in
there.  I specifically added that because you said you weren't sure
what to do.  I guess you haven't looked back in there since.  Maybe I
should prefix it with a big red blinking "NATE:" or something :P

Dan Smith
dsmith#danplanet.com, s/#/@/

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