[drats_users] E-Mail SMPTE Connection

Tony Langdon, VK3JED
Tue Sep 23 16:49:59 PDT 2008

At 08:58 AM 9/24/2008, you wrote:

>The other concern with inbound email is potential for non amateur
>related traffic to traverse the amateur network on a daily basis (not
>during a declared emergency).  I'm not sure how the US rules are with
>this, but I could forsee problems over here.  Likewise thought should
>probably be given to minimise how spam could be managed / mitigated.

 From my understanding, to ensure compliance with our LCD, the point 
at which the traffic entered the amateur service would have to block 
message which don't conform to the LCD.  One thing I don't know is 
how third party emails (i.e. from non amateurs), which are otherwise 
appropriate for the amateur service should be handled in this type of 
gateway.  I also suspect a degree of manual vetting would be needed, 
on top of any automated systems.

I understand the rules for real time voice (due to my involvement in 
IRLP, Echolink, etc), but I haven't looked into how they are to be 
interpreted for store and forward data such as email.  And then 
everyone outside Australia has to make the same kind of judgement 
calls for their jurisdiction.

73 de VK3JED

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