[drats_users] D-RATS 0.2.7b6 config help

Dan Smith
Wed Oct 8 16:34:50 PDT 2008

> I think I'm confused.

Me too :)

> At this point, I'd like to create an email in D-Drats and send it to
> the internet from my internet connected computer.  No other station
> involved.  Do I need additional software to make that happen?

Okay, I see what you're getting at.  D-RATS isn't an email program, so
it doesn't have all the functions you would expect for this type of
activity.  Currently, the expected workflow is:

1. Station 1 in the field (not internet-connected) creates an email form
2. Station 1 sends it to Station 2, which has D-RATS and Internet
3. Station 2 receives the form and it is sent out to the SMTP server

I definitely need a button on the GUI to allow sending of a
locally-generated form as if it had just arrived, to avoid the need to
send it as soon as it actually arrives.

So, in summary: right now you can't play with the email stuff unless you
have two radios and two computers to play with (or want to set up the 
repeater proxy).

I probably won't get to it tonight because of other commitments, but
I'll make another beta drop soon that has (a) SMTP authentication for
use with ISPs that require it and (b) a button to send a
locally-generated form out to the internet for your type of situation.


Dan Smith
dsmith#danplanet.com, s/#/@/

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