[drats_users] 0.2.8b

Mon Nov 10 12:41:04 PST 2008

During last weekend we (me and IZ5PWA I5IHE and IW5CWA) tried some functions.
Here are encountered problems.
a) File transfera arrived at end only if very small.
b) TCP features (used succesfully for telnet connections) don't work. Client 
side call server side who open a session but client telnet session closed for 
"connection refused from remote host".
I've attached my log files.

One features request for Dan: can you develope a "resume" function in file 
transfer? I know this is more complicated... but it will be more useful during 
phone and data traffic.

These are not D-RATS problems (I know), but it will be very interesting for me 
receive users suggestions about interfacing DPRSInterface.

It looks work well but, with UI-View32 (latest version) sometimes beacon are 
gated to radio, but not every time, and usually are not handled by other D-RATS 
station listening (Invalid GPS data). Any triks about how to setup APRS beacon 
to be correctly handled by DPRSInterface to be correctly translated to DPRS format?

AGWTrack don't work (don't send beacon) to DPRSInterface. All the two APRT (TM) 
applications listen and handle successfully all incoming packets from 
DPRSInterface (radio or internet source). Has anyone experienced in AGWtracker 
with DPRSInterface?

  vy 73s de Leo, IZ5FSA

          (- o)
| MDXC # 201          |
| YACT # 001          |
| www.ariscandicci.it |
| www.425dxn.org      |
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