[chirp_users] Problems with Tenway UV 82 Pro

Jim Unroe
Sun May 21 18:19:19 PDT 2023

On Sun, May 21, 2023 at 9:07 PM David Osborne <dosborne1969 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have tried several different ways to enter the values with no luck. Here are the values.
> QT/DQT Dec is 203.5
> QT/DQT Enc is 203.5

You don't have to program a receive tone so this will set it up with a
TX tone only. Receive is using carrier squelch only.

Tone Mode: Tone
Tone: 203.5  <-- used to set TX CTCSS tone in radio
Tone Squelch: {blank}

But if you want to set up both RX and TX tones this is how it should be set up.

Tone Mode: TSQL
Tone: {blank}
Tone Squelch: 203.5  <-- used to set both RX and TX CTCSS tones in radio


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