[chirp_users] New Daily Build

Build System
Sat Oct 22 00:03:53 PDT 2022


A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #706
[Dan Smith <dsmith at danplanet.com>] Fix kenwood_live lock safety

The command() function uses a threading.Lock to make sure only one
thread accesses the serial port at a time. This makes us use a
context manager to ensure that we drop that lock even if we
encounter an exception.

(cherry picked from commit bbd9915d14db55fea76ed7096b603f97c053b54f)

[Dan Smith <3046399+kk7ds at users.noreply.github.com>] Merge pull request #76 from kk7ds/fix-tidh6

Fix TID H6 and TH-D74

[Dan Smith <dsmith at danplanet.com>] Fix TH-D74 complex tone mode handling

This finishes the cross_modes support for D74.

[Dan Smith <dsmith at danplanet.com>] [TH6] Fix failure to clone

At some point the GA510 was subclassed, which duplicated the list
of ALIASES and resulted in the clone dialog choosing one of the
wrong alias classes, and thus sending the wrong ID string to the
radio. This converts it to a proper subclass so that doesn't happen

Fixes #10095

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