[chirp_users] Help needed resolving Errors opening CVS file in Chirp

Jim Unroe
Fri Dec 14 14:34:26 PST 2018

Hi Sam,

> My CSV is layout as:
> Column A is Location which is the channel number for the memory

And should be only 0 through 127 for your radio

> Column B is the name for the channel number, while my radio display only seven character, I know only the first seven character are display.  I been using location of the repeater as the name.

Correct. It will be truncated to 7 characters.

> Column C is frequency. I understand this, this information is pulled from repeaterbook.com

Not just the frequency. It is the receive frequency. CHIRP also
exports it to 6 decimal places.

> Column D is duplex, this is either a “+” sign or “-“ sign or blank,  this information is pulled from repeaterbook.com

This indicates if the transmit frequency is to be higher (+), lower
(-) or the same ( ) as the receive frequency. On radios that support
it (yours does), (off) is used to disable transmit when this memory is
selected. You would want to use this on your NOAA frequency to prevent
this memory from transmitting.

> Column E is offset,  is mainly a 5 or 0.6 base on the offset, this information is pulled from repeaterbook.com

This value is used with the value in the Duplex column to determine
what the transmit frequency is. CHIRP also exports this value padded
out to 6 decimal places. A "+5.000000" value would have the transmit
frequency 5 MHz higher than the receive frequency. When Duplex is " "
(blank), any frequency in the Offset column is ignored and the
transmit frequency will be equal to the receive frequency.

> Column  F is Tone, I do not understand, but it always seems to be “Tone” or blank

Tone is the same as the Tone Mode column in CHIRP. Its setting
determines which of the columns affecting the selective squelch are
used and which ones are ignored.

> Column G is rToneFreq, I do not understand, but I pull this from repeaterbook.com

The rToneFreq column corresponds to the Tone column in CHIRP. When
Tone Mode is set to Tone, this column sets the TX CTCSS tone to this

> Column H is cTomeFreq, I do not understand, but I pull this from repeaterbook.com

The rTone Freq column corresponds to the ToneSql column in CHIRP. When
Tone Mode is set to TSQL, this column sets the TX and RX CTCSS tone to
this value.

> Column I is DtscCode, I do not understand,  but it always seems to 23

The DtscCode column corresponds to the DTCS Code column in CHIRP. Its
default value is 023. Like all the columns relating to the selective
squelch tone/code, the value is usually set to the default value when
it is not being used based on the current Tone Mode setting.

> Column J is DtscPolarity, I do not understand, but it always seems to be NN

The DtscPolarity column corresponds to the DTCS Pol column in CHIRP.
Its default value is NN and ignored when Tone Mode is set to Tone and

> Column K is Mode,  I do not understand, but it always seems to be FM

The Mode column corresponds to the Mode column in CHIRP. On your radio
you have 2 choices FM (wide FM) and NFM (narrow FM). When 2 stations
are communicating together, they should both use the same mode. Most
ham use FM would be the correct setting. But some areas may use NFM.
Your local hams should be able to help you.

> Column L is TStep, I do not understand, but is always seems to be 5

Just leave TStep set to 5. This value in this column is not used by your radio.
> Thank You in advance for your help with in getting my radio program by correcting these error so I can upload this file into my radio.
> Sam Wilfond – KM4GOI
> Lake Worth Florida

If you have View -> Hide Unused Fields enabled (the default for new
CHIRP installations) you will be able to clearly see which columns are
not being used with a particular Tone Mode setting because the unused
fields with be blank. Disabling this setting will let you see what the
default values are when they are not being use (like 88.5, 023, NN,

The page linked to below has links to (column) guides and other CHIRP
examples that might help you.



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