[chirp_users] OS-X 10.8.5 and RTS cable for VX7

Tom Hayward
Thu Sep 26 14:04:06 PDT 2013

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 1:14 PM, Milton Hywatt <mhywattt at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Anyone else out there using this combination successfully? Even any RTS
> cable? I've been helping out a gal off list with her Mac and RTS cable.
> She had posted one message to the list yesterday if you want to read her
> synopsis. In addition she has emailed me back several times as I had
> her run some diagnostics and wanted to view her kernel messages.
> Kernel message says the FTDI chip load ok. But when she's getting
> hard locks on read requiring a long press on the power button to get
> a reboot. Some other things are a bit vague but I will attempt to re-read.

Yesterday you wanted to take the thread off list and today you want to
bring it back on list. Interesting.

Relevant XKCD: http://xkcd.com/979/

> What I'm looking for is a person or persons who use the latest OSX and
> an RTS cable so I can see a driver version. Another funny thing, she said
> the
> system info finds the driver just fine. And it loads in the kenel message.
> But that driver can't be found in the Chirp list of cables. I though that
> was
> a bit odd and thanks for any help.

I've used an RT Systems cable successfully with OS X, but I didn't try
the RT Systems driver. I modified the VID/PID of my cable and used the
standard FTDI driver. It works perfectly.



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