[chirp_devel] [PATCH 5 of 5] [ft4] rework tones [#4787]

Dan Clemmensen
Thu Feb 28 09:08:35 PST 2019

give me another 30 minutes.

On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 8:54 AM Dan Smith via chirp_devel <
chirp_devel at intrepid.danplanet.com> wrote:

> > > +    "->Tone": ("R-TONE", None),
> >
> > I had a question about this in the previous patch.
> >
> > > +    "Tone->Tone": ("TSQL", None)
> > > +    }
> >
> > These are two mappings from the CHIRP definitions to the Yaesu
> definitions. Yaesu uses "TSQL" to mean "send and receive ctcss tones,
> > and the toned do jot need to be identical. thus we must map to "Yaesu
> TSQL" on both cases. I chose to use the name "TSQL" for to this
> > Yaseu value because it's in the Yasu documentation and it's what you see
> on the radio's screen. I could have renamed it in the ptyhon
> > code, but the other drivers seem to adhere to the manufacturer's
> documentation.
> >
> > Sinmilarly, Yaesu "R-TONE" is the name for "don't send a tone, but do
> receive a tone."  The Yaseu name for reverse polarity tone squelch is "REV
> TN".
> Okay, to my skimming eyes, it looked like equating Tone->Tone with TSQL
> (chirp's definition) which is not right.
> > The code has substantially different requirements for the two tables, so
> Idon't think that there is a single table that is both comprehensible and
> > has simple lookups for both  directions. a simplified table will
> complicate the code. I'll give this another try today.
> FWIW, I don't think that it's particularly comprehensible today, but more
> importantly, it's really hard to look at them and tell if they're doing the
> same (but inverted) translation.
> Maybe I should stew on it a little more and look deeper into how you're
> using these.
> --Dan
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