[drats_users] Windows using 50% CPU after running for a few minutes.
John E. Malmberg
Sun Feb 17 22:40:42 PST 2013
On 2/9/2013 4:32 PM, Mike Heitmann wrote:
> Well, I can take a look at it with Windows XP and 7 when I get home
> on Tuesday I done have anything with Windows 8 yet. We're in Orlando for
> Hamcation until then and I don't have a computer with me other than a
> Rasberry Pi to run my DVAP.
Just downloaded and attempted installs of all the perquisites listed on
the web page.
The pyserial kit for windows only appears to be available for Python
2.5. pyserial-2.5.tar.gz
The other links are also for Python 2.5. I did find 2.7 versions of
those products, except that the the
pygtk-all-in-one-2.24.2.win32-py2.7.msi kit requires Python 2.7 32 bit,
not 64 bit.
At the python site, the last supported python 2.5 windows binary kit is
2.5.4 and it is recommended that 2.5.6.
So I now have installed:
Eclipse with PyDev
Python 2.7.3 64 bit.
python 2.7.3 32 bit.
pyserial 2.5.tar.gz
python 2.5.4 32 bit
pycairo-1.2.6-1.win32-py2.5 Installed with warnings.
pygobject-2.12.3-1.win32-py2.5, Installed with warnings.
pygtk-2.10.6-1.win32-py2.7, Installed with warnings.
The registry warnings were about not being able to create keys of
"py*-py2.5" or "python 2.5 py*-*.*.*" and not being able to set a key
value of ""c:\python2.5\Remove*.exe" -u "c:\python25\py*-wininst.log""
So at this point, I have not tried to extract the d-rats development zip
file and see what it will take to build and run it, so I do not know if
I have a viable build environment for any version of Python.
wb8tyw at qsl.net
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