[drats_users] Testing D-rats with Ratflector on same PC - error trying to connect to port 9000

Mike Heitmann
Tue Jul 3 04:55:28 PDT 2012

On Jul 2, 2012, at 11:03 PM, Brian Lawler <kn0n at WhatcomRadio.org> wrote:

> I am stumped John.  When I run DRATS without having drats_repeater running I get the very same error #.  Just to re-hash: d-rats_repeater is running just with the default settings: nothing in the paths window, check in "accept incoming connections Port: 9000  GPS port: 9500"  (GPS doesn't matter of course); No check in "require authentication"; Check in "trust localhost"; Repeater callsign doesn't matter but default is "Repeater".  The very first time I ran it I was asked by Windows firewall if I wanted to trust it in my private network and I answered "yes-allow ".  Looking at Windows Firewall settings for d-rats_repeater I have a check in the "Private network" box but not "public".

I'm certain the error indicates that something  (firewall or antivirus/malware software?) is blocking the connection or that Windows networking is not configured to use the standard 'localhost' ip address . That is why it doesn't matter if you have d-rats_repeater running or not. 

What does your web browser do if you try to point it at:
with d-rats_reapeater running?

Mike, N0SO

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