[drats_users] ratflector & GPS-A

Pentti Gronlund
Mon Feb 7 09:31:07 PST 2011

Mike Heitmann writes:

> http://www.d-rats.com/documentation/4-howtos/6-d-rats-to-d-prs-setup/

Unfortunately Pete's D-PRS interface is quite unstable. Maybe good
enough to be used at the home station but certainly not up to spec
for automatic operation.

Our answer to the software crashes was to include a D-PRS gateway in
aprx. We have a serial line splitter feeding the aprx box at the
clubhouse and we don't need to care about it if the Windows computer
for D-rats and HF digimodes crashes when left running by itself :)

However, it would be nice to have a gateway in D-RATS. We could have
all stations gating the positions to APRS-IS instead just the one.

I guess most code can be found in the aprx sources.

Benjamin OH3BK
		Live Reports from the Taxman's Paradise!

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