[drats_users] Use of AGWPE

Wed Jul 28 18:09:36 PDT 2010

I'm a member of a new ARES group and we are exploring the use of 
D-RATs.  None of our members currently have D-Star and only a few have 
hardware TNCs.  Most have soundcard interfaces however.  So... I was 
quite interested when I saw AGWPE added to a recent beta of D-Rats.  
But... I can't seem to get it to work so I wonder if I misunderstand how 

AGWPE is working fine... I can, for instance, use AGWTerm successfully 
with it, in addition to some Winlink related software.  And the event 
log for D-RATs indicates a successful "connection" to AGWPE (configured 
for "localhost" and port 8000).  But no audio leaves the sound card when 
I attempt to communicate with D-RATS.

So... is it possible to use AGWPE with D-RATS when AGWPE is configured 
to be a software TNC?  If so... any suggestions on what I may be doing 



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