[drats_users] D-RATS email - I think I understand

Dan Smith
Wed Jul 21 17:44:45 PDT 2010

> I now understand ( I hope).  I was thinking D-Rats email was similar to
> WinLink and that it had the predefined ability to connect to a message
> mailbox that would rout emails out to the web, and then back as the case
> may be.  I was hoping that I could do my testing and learning using a
> single radio and do it on my own and not have to work/bother others as I
> “Tinkered”  at things.  Likewise I don’t like tying up the B Node of the
> repeater for too long at a time for non emergency activities (though I
> have never heard anyone on that node).  It looks like to get play time
> with D-RATS and the like, I need a second D-STAR radio.

Well, there is really only one difference between the two, and it is
that people dedicate hardware (computers and radios) to be Winlink
endpoints for you to use to send and receive your mail.  There's nothing
to prevent someone from setting up a permanent station like this on a
simplex channel, repeater, reflector, etc.

A lot of people think that "the D-STAR network" can just handle this
magical capability, but it can't without special software installed at
the gateways using an interface that doesn't exist.  If dplus had such
an interface, then we could get closer to that sort of model, but it's
just not there yet.

> One last Question?  Can I use a DVDongle to take the place of the second
> Radio? 

Nope, not really.  D-RATS can use a dongle, but there are some issues
between D-RATS and DVTool that are not yet worked out that prevent it
from being of much use.

I would really encourage you not to give up testing with only one radio.
 I'm sure there are other people here and on the ratflector that would
be just as interest in doing some tests with you.

Dan Smith

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