[drats_users] D-RATS email

Mike Heitmann
Wed Jul 21 11:08:33 PDT 2010


Just connecting to the Internet or a reflector won't route e-mail to the 
Internet. As I recall, you need two D-RATS stations. For it to work over an RF 
link, both stations would need to have radios and at least one of them needs to 
be Internet connected. Then  you need to direct the e-mail message from the RF 
d-rats station to the d-rats station that is RF connected and that is set up to 
allow mail forwarding to the Internet. I don't remember exactly how to specify 

It's been a while since I tried this an an experiment, but it does work.  I also 
saw that ops were successfully forwarding Internet e-mail last night  as part  
of the exercise for N9DN's Tuesday D-RATS net on d-rats.com:9001.

I see that there is a "HOW TO" document for this. Take a look at:
and see it that does not answer your questions.

If not, I'll be on d-rats.com:9000 this evening, we can try and work through it 
then. If  we can't figure it out,  someone will be online that will know how 
(maybe N3TSZ?)

Mike, N0SO

From: William Waters <engineer1 at surewest.net>
To: drats_users at intrepid.danplanet.com
Sent: Wed, July 21, 2010 11:17:19 AM
Subject: [drats_users] D-RATS email

OK – sometimes I can’t see the forest because of the trees, and I assume this to 
be the case here.  

My goal – Send an email from a Radio connected D-RATS client to an internet 
email account.  

I must be missing something as I can’t figure out how to do this.  If I select 
“Connect to Internet” and use the ref.d-rats.com:9001connection I can send 
emails and receive them just fine…  But not via the Radio.
- I link my local repeater W6DHS__B to REF015C and get the voice notification 
that it is linked
- I verify the link by looking at the REF015C dashboard and see the linked 
repeater in the list
- Go into the ‘Chat’ mode and ‘Ping’ and see that the radio keys and that it 
looks to be talking.
- Disable my internet connection by turning off the WiFi in the notebook and 
‘un-check’ the Connect To Internet selection (if I don’t do this the email come 
and go with no radio activity so it has to be going over the internet 
- Compose an email and try to send it as I do when  connected via the internet.
- Nothing ever is sent, message sits in the Outbox.
So, I know that I am close; What I think I am doing wrong is that I am not 
sending my email via the right path.  Actually I don’t know what path to use.  

Q: IS there a device out in the D-STAR universe that I can rout emails through 
when using the Radio Link?
Q: Can I set up my own device to send the email to that will then forward them 
on to the internet?  

Q: Can I use a second computer running the D-RATS Network Proxy application with 
no Radio connection, Internet only to rout the emails through?  

Q: Once I connect to the REF015C link, how do I rout my emails to the internet?
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