[drats_users] D-Rats 10.04 on the Ubuntu 64bit Quad Core PC

Dan Smith
Sun Dec 12 08:13:56 PST 2010

> I just
> tried to connect to N3TSZ and I was unable to get a response. It looks
> to me like I might have broken that in a recent beta version, so it
> looks to me that it's not just you.

Well, after a little inspection, I realized I was not connected to what
I thought I was, which was making it "not work" for me.

So, some things to keep in mind:

- When you try to connect, you need to type in a callsign or select it
  from the list *and* choose the proper port that the user was last
  seen on.
- If you connect to someone with no files, their side will look blank
- If they have remote file transfers disabled, it won't connect to them

Does any of that help?


Dan Smith

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