[drats_users] D-Rats 10.04 on the Ubuntu 64bit Quad Core PC

Dan Smith
Sun Dec 12 08:07:16 PST 2010

> Ok this your d-rats python script code running from the terminal of the
> ubuntu 10.04 64bit edition and you can see some issues and also note
> that when I try to connect to another user that is online in drats to
> download files that I cannot get connected and the program doesn't seem
> to be doing anything...F.Y.I. : 

Well, it definitely seems to be working as expected, from the logs.  I
see that you do a CQ ping and people reply directly to you.  I just
tried to connect to N3TSZ and I was unable to get a response.  It looks
to me like I might have broken that in a recent beta version, so it
looks to me that it's not just you.

So, in summary, everything looks fine in your log and I'll take a look
at the file transfer bit when I can.


Dan Smith

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