[drats_users] d-rats_repeater?

Debbie Fligor
Thu Apr 1 13:25:25 PDT 2010

I got a proxy window trying that with the .app file, but I did have the source also installed. Since the only reason I'd done both was the repeater_proxy, I just trashed the source and tried again, and it still worked just fine.  this is with the b13 .app file on Mac.

Debbie Fligor, n9dn      
email: n9dn at arrl.net

On Apr 1, 2010, at 15:18, Dan Smith wrote:

>> OK, but when I click on it, all it does is open a second D-RATS window.
> Hmm, it works for me.  You're using a dpkg or rpm on Linux, right?
> Mike, does it work for you with the packages?  I need to find a machine
> around here to test that on, but it works for me when running from source...

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