[drats_users] Running D-RATS From Source in Windows

MG Heitmann
Tue Sep 15 09:08:51 PDT 2009

>> Just for fun, I've tried unsuccessfully to get D-RATS to run from source
>> in Windows. I'm able to run drats_repeaters this way, but when I try to
>> start d_rats I get this in the debug log:

>Well, successful or not, you win the prize to be the first person (to my
knowledge) to even try :)


Actually, in the beginning days I had it running from source in WindowsXP, then I got a new laptop that can with Vista and when I installed the python stuff I couldn't get it to run anymore. Didn't really care because I usually run it from Linux. But with the recent developments using the DRATS with the DVDongle, it's rekindled my interest and I started to dig into it a little more, just for fun!

>> packages\libxml2.py", line 1, in <module>
>>    from libxmlmods import libxml2mod
>> ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.

>I *think* this is because GTK installs an older version of the libxml2
>DLL than the libxml2 package does.  You might want to do a system search
for libxml DLLs ....

I'll give that a shot. I have the binary distro installed too, I'll compare the DLLs.

>Also note that my Windows build system is running Python 2.5 because
>that is what was out when I built it, and I have no reason to shoot
>myself in the foot by trying 2.6.

I'm guessing I had 2.5 under XP as well.

>I hope you get it working.  Do let me know.. :)

I wil let you know, thanks very much for the help, and for great example code for a python newbie!

Mike, N0SO


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