[drats_users] D-RATS works with Dongle

Ron Wenig
Sun Sep 13 08:14:43 PDT 2009

Hi Everyone, I posted this to the DVDongle group and thought that I 
would post it here also.  I'm not sure where my problem lies.

I've been reading success stories about D-Rats working with DVtool but I 
haven't been able to use it with good results.  I am using D-Rats 
0.3.1b4 and DVTool 2.0beta3 with Windows XP using Verizon FIOS.  I get 
complaints of broken packets which appears in yellow.  Sometimes people 
using D-Rats and RF through the repeater can copy bits of the text other 
times it's unreadable.  Maybe I don't have some setup problem to be 
successful going through our repeater's gateway.  I'm thinking it's a 
possible timing issue when the repeater tries to transmit my 
transmissions from the dongle, through the gateway to RF to the other 
D-Rats users who are using RF.  Does anyone have settings that are 
working on your computer that seems to be working so that I could try 
them here.  It has to be what I am doing here because it seems like 
other people are having success with the D-Rats to DVTool operation.

73, Ron ny3j

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