[drats_users] D-Rats Using The DV-Dongle

Ron Wenig
Tue Oct 20 15:23:20 PDT 2009

Dan Smith wrote:
>> We had broken packets 100% of tests 1 and 2.  I couldn't even ping the
>> RF station using the Dongle.  The RF station received broken packets, in
>> yellow and the text was unintelligible.  When he switched to the Dongle
>> everything was ok.
> Ouch.  Okay, this definitely seems like the dongle is breaking things up
> a bit, perhaps because it's being too eager to transmit.  I'll have to
> ask Robin about it.  Is there any chance you could re-do just a couple
> of these and send me the matching log from the RF station as well?  it
> would help to see what the broken packets actually look like.
> I'd really like to hear from people like Dave and Tony about this,
> because I thought they had indicated more success.  Guys, do you see the
> same behavior?
> Thanks, Ron.  I'll send Robin an email and see what we can come up with.
Thanks for you help Dan.  The group here has been talking about it and 
we think it's some kind of a timing issue.  I guess when you think about 
it the packets are making the trip from the PC to the dongle, back in 
the PC, through the network, to the gateway, through the stack, out to 
RF, to the radio, serial port to the other PC.  I can imagine how 
critical the timing is in that string.  Somewhere in there the packets 
are getting clobbered.

Attached is bits and pieces of what the packets look like in the chat 
window of D-Rats.  It's cut and pasted from the Main Text log.  When I 
can I'll send you the log on the RF side when we do that test.

73, Ron ny3j
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