[drats_users] Email Proposal

Nate Duehr
Mon Oct 19 11:48:47 PDT 2009

Personally if I did it, I'd have a "throwaway" account for on-air mail,
and would never put the user/pass info for a "real" e-mail account out
over the air... no matter how "hard" for someone to sniff... that
account would be changed to something new if the spammers ever found it. 

But that'd be enough of a pain, I probably won't ever seriously tie mail
to Amateur in my life for any reason other than a true emergency, at the
end of the day.  No need to have those headaches in the first place, if
I can avoid them.

(I've been screaming that Amateur Radio powers that be NEED to beg,
scream, whatever to the FCC to get an accommodation for REASONABLE uses
of encryption.  Like keeping usernames/passwords secure.  No data
network in the entire world has the limitations that Amateur Radio has
on it, and it makes the on-air network somewhat "useless" for many
"real" purposes.  I ended up being asked to write a "blurb" on
encryption in Ham Radio, and it ended up in a side-bar in the ARRL
VHF/UHF Handbook in the HSMM Chapter, which was kinda neat, thanks to
that Chapter's author.  I kept it as "non-controversial" as possible.)

  Nate Duehr, WY0X
  nate at natetech.com

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