[drats_users] 0.3.2b1 message hanging

Ron Wenig
Sun Nov 1 18:23:58 PST 2009


I reported messages not automatically forwarding and then it worked.  
Tonight someone was logged on and his station was in the station list.  
I created  a message and waited for it to go out.  I have auto send set 
to 60 seconds.  It didn't go out and the message did not lock.  The 
other person then logged off and back on again.  The message then locked 
but it still didn't automatically send.  The message is sitting in my 
outbox and I can't do anything with it.  Attached is the debug log.


Ron ny3j

Dan Smith wrote:
>> Dan, yes, I can see the logic there. Although, I guess if I was going to
>> manually forward a message to W0RMT, as an example,  and type/select his
>> address in the Station box, then it would be nice if the program
>> automatically put the port that W0RMT was last heard on, rather than
>> populate the port window with a port where W0RMT has never been heard.
>> That would be helpful in situations where one's attention is being split
>> among many people/things (e.g. an ARES/RACES event and you're sitting in
>> a busy command post.)
> Yes, and I can do that.  However, my point is: if you're going to
> address it to W0RMT *and* send it on the last-known port for that
> station, simply addressing it, putting it in the outbox, and hitting
> send/receive will accomplish that goal.  The forward function is
> specifically for sending it to some *other* station or port than the
> last-known for the addressee.
> Either way, I'll be glad to make it the default.  My point is if you use
> forward to send a message to the addressee on the last-known port, then
> you're doing it wrong :)
> Make sure one of you guys posts a debug log showing it hang on
> send/receive so I can figure that one out.  I've been trying to get it
> to not behave properly here for a bit and can't figure out why it's
> hanging for you.
> Thanks!
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