[drats_users] Dprs question

Nate Duehr
Wed May 20 17:48:24 PDT 2009

On Wed, 20 May 2009 07:36:15 -0400, "Adam Karsin" <akarsin at verizon.net>

> First thanks to everyone! It works, no fancy software (like I had been
> told
> in the past) just hook radio to GPS, set a few settings in the radio and
> *poof* *presto* there is a little icon of me on the web!! Ok, it's early,
> I
> entertain easily!

You have me laughing because that was MY first experience with it too...
and I set up the darn Gateway!  (I didn't know all that add-on stuff
included a "it just works" copy of javaAPRSd running on the Gateway that
would send all the right "stuff" to the world.  LOL!

> So for about the 2 hours I was driving around I have realized something,
> _bring extra batteries_. 15 minutes into running errands yesterday the
> batteries died, and shortly after that the battery on the 91AD followed
> suit.

Same thing happened here too... I quickly realized that I have EITHER a
serial cable for my venerable old Garmin GPS V, *OR* a power cable, but
not one of the "dual" cables.  Oops.  Something to order... eventually. 
Rechargeable AA batteries are playing "cover" in the mean-time.

One of the posts on the Gateway admin's list a while back talked about
how to drive a separate TNC/radio with the SAME copy of javaAPRSd from
the D-STAR Gateway machine, to create an APRS/IP Gateway on "that side"
of things.

With the repeater being at a REALLY high mountain-top site and there is
already an APRS DIGI up there, radio/antenna/etc... already up there,
and owned by one of the tech crew members of the D-STAR group... all we
have to do is run a cable to the TNC, reconfigure things a bit... and
voila... APRS/IP Gateway.

Then we can also gateway the DPRS from the D-STAR side to the RF side on
APRS and back and forth if we want to, without having to hunt down the
current IP Gateway operators, necessarily.  

(Obviously having an IP Gateway up WAY up high at the super wide area
Digi site is going to change the Denver APRS "landscape" a bit, but I'll
leave that to the Digi owner to discuss with folks, etc... should be a
GOOD thing... but hey, we have solid IP access up there... why not? 
Save a few hops and some air-time... just about everything in the city
can get there direct.)

So... anyway... that'll be much later this summer, if we even get 'er
done.  We're all swamped with more pressing projects right now.  But
it's a cool thing to do up there.

Have fun with DPRS!

Nate WY0X
  Nate Duehr
  nate at natetech.com

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