[drats_users] minor upgrade "stuff" - map data?

Nate Duehr
Mon May 11 15:27:31 PDT 2009


I *thought* it appeared in Beta 5 that map/location information was 
"sticky" between restarts.  (If you saw someone on the map and then 
restarted, their last known position was still on the map after the 

I might have been wrong on that one.

Anyway, if it WAS sticky... back to that "principal of least surprise" 
thing... it should have been migrated over to the new version.

Now:  In your "defense" on this one... I always install the new betas 
into their own new directory... so I see no "easy" way for you to 
migrate if I selected a different-than-default directory name for 

:-)  Making it tough on you, eh?  :-)

This one's seriously ultra-low-priority.  If it's ugly don't spend much 
time on it!

Nate WY0X

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