[drats_users] Auto QST

James Ewen
Sat Jun 13 13:18:49 PDT 2009

Okay, I'm just starting to play with the D-Rats software, and will
have a bunch of silly questions, so bear with me.

I already pestered Dan for some information on the Ratflector, but now
that I am playing even more, I want to know more.

I have two instances of the software 0.3.0b10 running on the same
machine, connected to the Ratflector for testing and learning. I'm
using two different callsigns, because I suspect that there would be a
problem trying to only use one callsign.

I have been able to send chat messages back and forth, and also sent
forms back and forth with Dan.

I decided to try playing with the Auto QST function. I'm thinking that
this should send automated beacons, so I set up a text QST on one
instance with a rate of :30, and on the other with a rate of :15. I
guessed that these rates should be in seconds, but I don't see
anything being sent. Also, when I start them up, I get a bar that
appears to be showing me how much longer the QSTs will be sent for. My
15 second QST had a life of 33 minutes, and my 30 second QST had a
life of 42 minutes.

I'm down to 21 and 36 minutes remaining, and have not seen any QSTs. I
toggled the check mark and got a single beacon from each one, but
nothing more.

Hmm, also discovered that the programs ended up hogging all the CPU
time.Each instance was using 50 percent of the CPU time available. Had
to kill them off.


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