[drats_users] D-Rats repeater linux auto restart

Fri Jun 12 21:09:55 PDT 2009

Well, I guess I need to fix the reconnect logic on the ratflector, eh?

I don't know

You could always run "killall d-rats_repeater" and then start it up
again from a script.  Then run that in cron and it will recycle every
once in a while.

It would start up in the default OFF condition, what would turn it on? I am mostly not there.
Possible via vnc , but again not practical.

 You can run the repeater in text-only mode by adding
"-C" to the command line. 

What is the ¨On¨  command pls?

This may be the answer, and I can write up a script... thx.

 I run them in "screen" sessions so I can
detach and reattach later, so that might be an option too.

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