[drats_users] D-RATS 0.2.10b4

Dan Smith
Sun Jan 18 07:54:43 PST 2009

Hi all,

I just posted 0.2.10b4 with the following changes:

- Added global toggles to enable/disable remote pull of files and forms
- Fixed crash when user clicks retrieve button without selecting an item
  during a pull
- Fix Reset and Forget actions in the callsigns tab
- Rename "callsigns" to "stations"
- Fix updating of form transfer time stamp when we send
- Add a "private" toggle in the form manager which prevents remote
  stations from seeing/pulling a specific form
- Fix the callsign field in the config box to use 8-char limit

In order to add the private flag to the forms, I refactored a bit of the
form storage logic.  It seems to work to me, but if people who are
familiar with sending, receiving, pushing, and pulling forms could give
it a little workout, that would be good.

Also note that today marks the 1-year anniversary of my first chunk of
code that would become D-RATS:


The above commit was the first bit of code to implement XMODEM transfers
and run it in a command-line test program over a serial port (back
before I realized XMODEM wouldn't work over the radios).  It was before
I had a GUI, chatting, or even a name...

We sure have come a long way in a year!

Dan Smith
dsmith#danplanet.com, s/#/@/

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