[drats_users] D-RATS and DV-Dongle

Tony Langdon, VK3JED
Thu Aug 27 17:26:57 PDT 2009

At 03:22 AM 8/28/2009, you wrote:
> > It happened again, that's one question I was going to ask.  Is it
> > possible to access DVTool across a LAN?  That way, I can run D-RATS
> > on an underpowered netbook, if I am conducting a data only session,
> > and it won't choke on the voice part of the transmission.
>Well, I would expect that DVTool doesn't encode voice when it doesn't
>need to, so I think that you should be okay (and/or Robin should be able
>to fix that).

Well, my understanding is that D-STAR is always simultaneous voice 
and data, so there would be a "voice" component, even if there was no 
actual audio.

>However, if DVTool accepts connections to the data port from machines
>across the network, I can easily allow you to specify a hostname for the
>You can try it by doing "telnet my.other.ip.address 20003" from the
>netbook and see if you get a "refused" message.  If you get a blank
>screen, then it worked.

No go, connection refused. :(

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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