[drats_users] Correctly configuring D-Rats to talk to myself

Michael A. Waldron
Tue Aug 4 11:23:14 PDT 2009

I'm trying to configure D-Rats to talk to myself. I have 2 instances of D-Rats on 2 different computers with 2 different radios and I'm attempting to establish a connection between them. 

Before you ask, no I'm not crazy (can't be proven anyway), I'm trying to get a setup to do some demonstrations. 

I have D-Rats set up to match the callsign in each radio (One is "AE0MW" one is "AE0MW  P") and I'm on a simplex frequency. I have both radios set to low power into dummy loads, spaced out enough so I can be sure this is not a desensitization issue. 

When I send some text with D-Rats it keys the radio, the receiving radio records the callsign and msg correctly but the receiving D-Rats sees nothing. I can reverse the Tx and Rx stations and get the same results. 

Anyone have any suggestions?

Michael A. Waldron, AE0MW
PGP: http://www.mikew.org/mypgpkey.txt

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