[drats_users] report from Colorado D-STAR Tuesday night Net of D-RATS Beta

Nate Duehr
Tue Apr 14 20:11:09 PDT 2009


The changes to the packet sniffer seem to have stopped the lockups.

0.3.0b1 worked great for us tonight here in Colorado.

Some notes we all agreed on after the Net:

- Old file transfer status was easier to read than watching the Event Log.
- Didn't see any indication of number of retries anymore.
- Ping to other stations doesn't show their version number anymore.
- We're looking forward to the right-side "stations heard" 'window'.

Of course, any of the above could be wrong... we may have missed something.

Debug log attached.  Good testing tonight, but only a few of us on here 

We haven't really been "stable" enough to all stations (due to weak 
signals) to do more elaborate testing of the forms and things.  I want 
to go play with the e-mail thing... and set up another laptop with the 
IC-91AD connected so I can do some testing "to/from myself".

Moving right along...

Nate WY0X
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