[drats_users] Ping

Richard Silva
Tue Sep 30 18:45:19 PDT 2008

Hello All
   Since I am new to D-RATS,and d-star, please excuse my basic  
questions. First I straightened out my keying problems, I now can key  
the radio(id800) with D-RATS. So the question is what is the purpose  
of "ping". In the IT world I can ping a computer to see if it is seen  
by the network. Can I ping a station to see if he/she is on line.
  My other quick question is can an operator who is running D-Chat  
communicate with someone using D-RATS. I think so but I just want to  
make sure. Here in LA some of us are trying to set up an EC network  
system using D-STAR.


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