[drats_users] Asus Eeee PC dRats install

Jim Harris
Mon Sep 29 11:23:28 PDT 2008


Well, some of this helps a little.

>How about this... Do the following and send me the list.txt file:
>   Apt-cache search python > list.txt

I did this, and the list appeared in the file, which I have attached to this

>Ah, okay, it looks like you might be running it off of the SD card, is
>That right?  Sometimes because of the way systems mount FAT filesystems

Oh, right, you are. I was trying to get it all running on the SD card, as
there is very limited memory on the PC itself. However, to see if that was
the case, I tried what you suggested about moving it to the root/user/ on
the main memory.

>  Cd /home/user/d-rats-0.2.6
 >  ./d-rats
Which I did try, and....

>If you still get a permission denied error, you might want to do this:
>   chmod a+x ./d-rats
......yes, I did get the permission denied error. I did the chmod, and it
then worked!

Which resulted in the following (I still could not get this to pipe to a

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./d-rats", line 21 un ?
     from d_rats import mainapp, platform
  File "home/user/d-rats-0.2.6/d_rats/mainapp.py", line 27, in ?
     import serial
ImportError: No module named serial

I did go back to the SD card and tried to change the permissions to allow me
to run d-rats there, and it said I did not own the file to be able to change
permissions. Really not a big deal, since it looks like I should be fine
with the application on the main memory.

>  Unfortunately, I make some (incorrect) assumptions
>That the linux users can figure things out on their own.  However, I'm
>Always happy to have new people using linux, so I should make more of an
>Effort to make this process easier.

That was one of the reasons I got the little pc...I wanted to become more
literate in Linux., so I do appreciate your efforts.

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