[drats_users] drats_users Digest, Vol 1, Issue 11

David Tilson
Wed Sep 10 00:04:20 PDT 2008

G'day All,

> I'll scan through the emails I've received since joining the group
> and update the FeatureRequests page later today for everyone.

I hope I've captured all of the Feature Requests, as posted, and put
them in (some form) of reasonable order and attributed them to the
appropriate person.  If there are any corrections, additions, etc either
post them here or you can make the changes to the FeatureRequests page
directly.  From what I've seen so far in this forum I think there is a
great benefit in throwing around some ideas amongst the group first and
then after some discussion adding the outcome to the list.  

BTW, if you don't do it already it is worth setting up an account on the
D-RATS Wiki and subscribing to some of the pages as you get instant
notification of updates through this system.

Now to see if Dan has increased his disk space before bombarding it with
chirp requests :)


Davidt, VK3UR

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