[drats_users] D-RATS 0.2.7b4

David Tilson
Thu Oct 2 20:47:47 PDT 2008

G'day Dan,

> I just posted 0.2.7b4 with the following changes:
> - Add SSL support for POP3 and poll interval configuration

Thanks for adding this.  Initial tests on my Win XP platform.

D-RATS can now pop into the Gmail POP, using SSL, retrieve the email and
delete it from Gmail, but the email doesn't appear in the D-RATS Form

In my case all of the downloads are defined to be stored on a network
drive, but there doesn't appear to be any content in those directories.

I've sent several messages now, with the same results.  I've also tried
exiting / restarting D-RATS with no change.

Unfortunately there was no debug log to look at.


Davidt, VK3UR

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