[chirp_users] Baofeng 'waterproof' models

a-mdm at netcourrier.com a-mdm at netcourrier.com
Thu Feb 29 09:38:53 PST 2024

But not good for me...

I bougth 2x talkies Baofeng  BF1909...(very big RF power) delivered with 16 freq inside   but prohibed in France... (Power max is 0,5W. in France!) 

I Download  CHIRP legaly 32 bits but he not reconize this model  BF 1909 and new version of CHIRP is only 64 Bits  

Baofeng NOT answer at message about prog software in format 32 Bits!. 

Bad situation....

A am technician and I have frequency meter, deviation meter and power meter VHF/UHF generator . 

 When i have possibility to program this talky , I test all specifications...And put this on this site.


De : Ceferino Lamb <ceferino.lamb at gmail.com>
À : Discussion of CHIRP <chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com>
Sujet : Re: [chirp_users] Baofeng 'waterproof' models
Date : 29/02/2024 16:05:42 Europe/Paris

> ...I bought a Baofeng UV-XR (the "X"takes the place of "10") radio. I have had absolutely no problems with it. It is also water resistant, works perfectly with CHIRP, and now
(unlike when I bought mine) has a USB charge capacity. It was a 10
Watt rated model. Now it is rated at 12 Watts. 73s, Christopher
Knowles WD1E

/chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com
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