[chirp_users] Baofeng UV-5R8W Repeater Config Error

Jim Unroe rock.unroe at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 11:39:37 PST 2024

Hi Alex,

On Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 10:41 AM A Boer <aboertus at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good day, CHIRP Users!  I am having some trouble using CHIRP with some new radios I am trying to program.  Simply put, I cannot get the repeater channels to work.  I downloaded the .img file from one radio into CHIRP, copied and pasted the repeater configuration from the CHIRP list of repeaters and pasted it into my .img file, then uploaded the .img file into both radios.  The radios will not talk to each other through the repeater.  I have gory details with screenshots and radio display pictures in the attached .jpg files.  If anyone has the time to review those details and has some ideas on how to fix this problem, I would certainly appreciate the feedback.  Thank you for your time.
> Alex Boerner

I forgot to mention that you cannot monitor yourself talking through a
repeater with another radio close to you. The transmitting radio's
off-frequency and close signal renders the receiver in the monitor
radio deaf during the transmissions. Usually what happens is that when
you release the PTT button, the receiver is no longer deaf and you
hear the repeater's tail drop.


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